Off Site Construction Spain: Is it Green?
Modern timber frames, kit houses, prefab buildings and modular homes in Spain have a number of advantages but are they particularly green?
Not necessarily. The thing is you generally have more control so they lend themselves to energy efficiency.

The question of embodied transport related energy needs to be asked. This needs to include transport of material from its source to the OSC manufacturer and from there to the site.
For the sake of clarity here are the advantages of off site construction which tend to make them energy efficient if they are managed properly:
• Faster
• Better quality
• Increased productivity
• Controlled weather tight environment
• Pollution and waste controlled and minimised
• Water recycled
• Greater airtightness
• Less noise, traffic, pollution on site
• Lightweight = smaller foundations / less ground work / less concrete / less moving solid
Author: John Wolfendale
Bio: John is a founder of Eco Vida and is passionate about bringing modern design and construction practices to Spain. He believes a home which is warm in winter and cool in summer is largely a matter of design and selective use of materials. He is British and a Chartered Surveyor with 19 years experience living and working in Spain.