Tiny House Design Inland on the Costa Blanca
We are about to submit the building licence application for this “tiny house” inland on the Costa Blanca.
Our client is a wellness consultant working for luxury hotels in the far East and this will be his refuge. His vision is to be completely connected to the land and to have almost no possessions.
The land is beautiful and remote. Unusually, despite this being “rustic” land, he will get a building licence and quickly. We have checked this point very carefully because it’s a sensitive issue and building on rustic land is never easy in Spain except perhaps in this location. In this area the regional authority have ceded the authority to grant licences, on certain tracts of rustic land, to the local authority. (Ask for more information on this if you’re interested).
Our client will live in splendid isolation with magnificent views to the village of Guadalest (only 10 minutes drive)and to the Mediterranean across forests and mountains. His vision, already underway, is for the land to yield all kinds of nuts vegetables and tropical fruits. Wild boar and deer roam the land and hawks soar in the skies. He will spend most of his time outside as it should be in this part of the world where the client is mild all year round and the air fresh from the mountains and the sea.
The tiny house movement has gained popularity amongst people who want to simplify their lifestyle. Our client summed it up perfectly when he said “think of it like a boat” and we have done. And of course his energy consumption will be low and although on-grid he will generate nearly all of it himself on site with PV solar panels.