Nearly Zero Energy Buildings and the European Directive
Buildings are responsible for approximately 40% of energy consumption and 36% of CO2 emissions in the EU.
The single biggest thing you can do to reduce climate change apart from stopping flying (which you won’t do anyway) is improve the energy efficiency of your building.
The great thing is that energy efficient buildings are also more comfortable to live in and cost less to run.
The European Union Directive on Nearly Zero Energy Buildings: The Energy Performance of Buildings Directive requires all new buildings to be nearly zero-energy by the end of 2020. All new public buildings must be nearly zero-energy by 2018. Here is the link: https://ec.europa.eu/energy/en/topics/energy-efficiency/energy-performance-of-buildings/nearly-zero-energy-buildings
Definition of NZEB: Judging by the available information there is no single definition and each country is making its own definition. There could be very good reasons for this perhaps the different climatic conditions in different countries. Here is the link: http://bpie.eu/uploads/lib/document/attachment/128/BPIE_factsheet_nZEB_definitions_across_Europe.pdf
Spain doesn’t seem to be doing very well! However, the system will grind on and Spain and the other countries will comply.
What effect this legislation will have on the market and property prices is still a question for debate amongst property professionals. However, the direction of travel is clear. Energy efficient homes are more desirable because they are more comfortable, cost less to run and are more compliant with legislation. Governments may use the tax system to encourage energy efficiency.
Author: John Wolfendale
Bio: John is a founder of Eco Vida Homes and is passionate about bringing modern design and construction practices to Spain. He believes a home which is warm in winter and cool in summer is largely a matter of design and selective use of materials. He is British and a Chartered Surveyor with over 24 years experience living and working in Spain.
Eco Vida Homes is a team of Architects, Technical Architects, Builders, an Engineer, and a Chartered Surveyor. We help people design and build beautiful energy efficient home, designed for Mediterranean living, in Marbella and Southern Spain. There are two things that make us stand out: a sharp focus on our clients’ needs and everything we build is comfortable and energy efficiency………..It’s like Grand Designs………… only without the drama.