La Alqueria a Modern Villa Close to Marbella

This project features as a Client Story on the front of the website here.

Here are the real costs for this project. The project was sent out to a competitive tender and the contract signed in the autumn of 2020. Since then we have had inflation and volatility in the cost of building materials. You should probably add 20% but this is something we should discuss.

Below you can see the cost of each chapter with some explanatory notes beside.

Here are the headline numbers:

Size of Villa:

First Floor              138.80 sq m

Ground Floor         147.05 sq m

Basement              232.02 sq m

Total Built area (gross external)      517.87 sq m

Total Contractor Sum: 1,041,749€

Total for building only 928,235€

Cost / sq m building only (turnkey basis after the fact) 1,782€










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